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Coalmont OHV

35.3173, -85.6712

Closest City - Coalmont, TN -  10 miles
Atlanta, GA Distance - 165 miles
Camping - Yes

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Situated in the natural and beautiful mountainous terrain of the Cumberland Plateau, Coalmont OHV Park is an off-highway vehicle (OHV) park that meets the needs of the OHV community for a reasonable cost. The park consists of many types of off-roading trails, of varying difficulty, for multiple types of off highway vehicles.


Will My Adventure Machine Make It?

Yes, there will be a trail for your capabilities!


Where Do We Camp?

There is plenty of room for camping, sites for primitive and RV style!

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-Camping Accommodations

-Close to Chattanooga

-Access to Coppinger Cove

-Tons to see in the area


Gear Up!

Gas Station -  7 miles

Grocery Store - 7 miles




$20ish for the day

Camping - $15 or so a night 



For more info and guidance to help plan your next adventure, email

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